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Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement
Institutionnel, illustration, motion design 2D
Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement is an organisation that was born in 2019, but did not have the chance to organise its first face-to-face event until January 2023.
This event was a unique opportunity to present their organisation in a dynamic and visual way, using the video presentation as a support.
The visual presentation gave them the opportunity to show their commitment to innovation and creativity in education. They explained their vision for the future of education and how they are working to achieve their goals.
Conceptualise the organisation’s complex values and key messages in simple shapes that interact with each other, while adding some more figurative illustrations here and there.
A series of interviews were also carried out in one of Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement’s institutions, allowing important messages to be delivered by the different members of the Administrative Council. These different interviews use the same graphic elements, ensuring consistency in all the videos broadcast during the event.
The end result of this production process is a dynamic and fluid “narrative ballet” that highlights the organisation’s colours and is accessible to all. In less than three weeks, we developed a presentation that captured the audience’s attention and effectively conveyed the organisation’s values, mission and vision so that everyone could work together towards a common goal.
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