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Conseil Supérieur de la Santé
Motion design, paper cut out, recommendation video, information video, series
The Superior Council on Health is the scientific advisory body of the Belgian Federal Public Health Service.
One of the opinions published concerns vegetarianism. The PDF document is over 166 pages long and contains a large number of references.
Mission objective:
Orange Clignotant has been asked to produce a series of 5 videos in 2 languages summarising the themes addressed in the study.
A general video focusing on the study and initiating the 4 videos dedicated to specific themes.
Pregnant women, infants, children & teenagers and the elderly.
Introduce the study to medical circles (video 1) and disseminate to the general public (directly or indirectly concerned) the major attention that needs to be paid to this increasingly popular food choice (videos 1 to 5).
The approach should be positive, the tone cheerful and the information quick, concise and understandable.
In order to grab the attention of a sometimes wary and hard-pressed public, the agency opted for a dynamic and not much-used animated approach: paper cut out.
The technique consists of a succession of patterns and characters that are cut out, assembled, staged and animated.
The approach also allows for the presence of real personas, enabling the audience to identify with them.
Concept, script, scenario, voice-over casting, graphic research, graphics, illustrations, montage and animation.
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