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PSD Aero
Paris Saint-Denis Acier
Corporate, Presentation, Brand, Brand History
PSD Aero is a leading supplier of metallurgical products to the aerospace, nuclear and mechanical engineering industries.
As part of the 2023 Paris Air Show, the company once again asked Orange Clignotant to produce the company’s presentation film, which will be shown on its stand during the show.
The idea was to produce a film whose content was purely and primarily visual, since it would be broadcast silently.
Shot over two days, our production for PSD Aero was primarily designed to highlight the history of the company, a family-run business since 1936.
With this year’s Paris Air Show following on from the Covid crisis, it seemed important to put people at the centre of the film, as well as the company’s know-how.
Far from a step-by-step script in which the company’s process would be the narrative axis, the PSD Aero film in its 2023 version highlights a French company with mastered know-how and almost a century’s experience, a technological flagship in the metallurgical industry.
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