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Visit Brussels
Event, aftermovie, video report, video teaser
Visit.brussels is the promotional and communications agency for the Brussels-Capital Region. Its activities are dedicated to promoting tourism, culture and events in the region.
But also to creating experiences that showcase the many assets of the Capital of Europe, and to providing a high-quality welcome to its visitors, whether leisure and business tourists or international associations.
The Fête de l’Iris is one of Brussels’ most convivial and family-oriented public events.
Usually held on the first weekend of May, the 2013 edition took place on May 5 and 6, and featured a giant Electro Night, “Themed Villages”, Kids Village and many other activities.
Orange Clignotant regularly produces films for Visit Brussels. Once again, the agency was commissioned to produce the aftermovie for this emblematic event.
The aim of the assignment was to tell the story of the event in ± 2′, in the form of a report that could also promote its next edition. To be delivered very soon after the event.
An ultra-mobile, friendly film crew with in-depth knowledge of the locations and their programs.
Briefed on the precise expectations of the agency’s artistic direction.
On the starting blocks, the editing and post-production team: derush, structured editing. Grading and dressing. All in accordance with the dedicated narrative and aesthetic choices.
The “video journey” is lively, dynamic and fast-paced. It’s a great way to get an overview of the many activities organized and their enthusiastic audiences.
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